Current Projects

Rebecca BiggerstaffRebecca Biggerstaff is a young farmer who returned to the family farm three years ago from the Nashville area. While Ms. Biggerstaff has her own home on the farm, she utilizes a portion of the family 50-acre farm for her venture.  She has formed a company called Lettuce Fish, LLC and is working with Kentucky State University on an indoor aquaculture program.  Ms. Biggerstaff will invest the $7,500 SOAR Farm Loan in an environmentally-controlled greenhouse that will house the aquaponics venture being developed jointly with Kentucky State University.


The SOAR Small Production Loan Fund is a low-interest financing resource designed to assist small producers grow healthy, nutritional foods so that they can move into commercial production. The goal is to support and educate growers to develop a strong local food system in eastern and southern Kentucky that will be market-supported and result in a profit for the growers.


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